Children's Gathering is a great way for kids to learn about Jesus and make friends.
Middle School and High School students come together for a time of games, worship and teaching.
Royal Rangers uses lessons, badges & activities to teach boys Biblical truths and to inspire them to form deep relationships with the Lord.
Mpact Girls uses lessons, badges & activities to teach girls Biblical truths and to inspire them to form deep relationships with the Lord.
Junior Bible Quiz utilizes the fun, excitement & camaraderie of team competition to motivate children
(K-G6) to learn Bible facts & verses.
Teen Bible Quiz utilizes the fun, excitement & camaraderie of team competition to motivate teens to memorize God's Word.
Joy Fellowship is a great way for those who are at least 50 years young to get connected to each other and support each other and the Church.
Sunday & Wednesday Adult Classes are welcoming environments for groups to share in Biblical studies, designed specifically for their different needs.
Men's Ministry is a great way to get connected with other men in the church, to support each other and to serve the church and the community.
Women's Ministry is a great way to get connected with other women in the church, to support each other and to serve the Church.