Mpact Kids Clubs
Sunlight kids (0-36 mons)
Rainbows (3 yrs – Pre-K)
Mpact Girls Clubs
Daisies (K)
Prims (G1-2)
Stars (G3-5)
Teen Girl Clubs
Friends (G6-8)
Girls Only (G9-12) ​
Girls Ministries is similar to Girl Scouts in that the girls earn badges for work they complete (on topics such as “Making Right Choices,” “Honesty” and “Sportsmanship”) & can attend state-wide activities such as awards ceremonies, camping trips & sleepovers.
1. to teach girls biblical truths that will help them learn to make God-pleasing decisions.
2. to see every girl moving toward a deep relationship with Jesus Christ.
3. to empower girls to realize their importance and potential in the kingdom of God.
4. to form lasting, life-changing friendships between girls and their mentors through discipleship.
How it works:
1. We meet on Wednesday nights from 7pm-8. Most of the work is completed within that time frame.
2. Some outside work is optional for Stars through Girls Only. (See below.)​​