From the moment you walk in the door, our goal is to let you know we count it a privilege to welcome you as our guest.
Our Welcome Team is ready to serve you.
You'll see people dressed however they feel most comfortable.
If you have kids and want to keep them with you, that's fine. Otherwise, we'll help you get them to the place where our trained workers will minister to them at their level.
Music plays an important role in the life of our church. Our Worship Teams are only instruments in leading people into worship. We fully expect two things to happen every week:
1. For God to be honored and blessed by our worship, and
2. To be changed by His Spirit as He moves in our lives and in our hearts.
You can expect to hear positive and encouraging preaching from the Bible that is relevant and challenging to you. Often these challenges remind us of our need for God's help, and we encourage people to spend time with God before they leave. Our trained Prayer Team is here to listen and pray with you.
We look forward to meeting you soon!